Young Black Male Eustress Initiative


One in eight children are affected by anxiety, yet 80% of those with a diagnosable anxiety disorder do not receive treatment.

The Young Black Male Eustress Initiative uses a targeted approach with long-term goals. 


  • Serve as emotional and professional support for students to address mental health challenges 

  • Serve as emotional and professional support for a student's immediate support system (parents, siblings, etc.) 

  • Teach both how to acknowledge, accept, and live with mental health challenges in the educational, community, and home settings. 

Through the Young Black Male Eustress Initiative, we’ve seen improved behavior at home, school, personal relationships, self-confidence, and grades.

Additionally, licensed therapists can provide counseling for the whole family and look at the dynamics that can foster greater support for the family, which has a direct impact on the child.



Much of the Young Black Male Eustress Initiative began in the Hidden Valley community of Charlotte at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School. Mental wellness includes pride in our community, so we have adopted a 1.3 mile stretch of road surrounding the school. Two Charlotte Adopt-A-Street Black Male Eustress Initiative signs will be posted along the route. Every day when a young kid passes by, they will know that we're here working to help them and their neighborhood. On Saturday, July 16 from 10 a.m. - Noon, we are looking for volunteers to help clean up our street in Hidden Valley.