Young Black Male Eustress Initiative Sign-up


Dear Parent(s)

Your son has been referred to participate in the Young Black Male EustressInitiative sponsored by Eustress, Inc. The Young Black Male Initiative is a therapeutic program designed to provide professional, emotional support for students facing mental health challenges. That support is extended beyond the student and into their core relationships to include parents and siblings. The ultimate goal is to empower and equip these students to remove self-limitations; embrace who they are; and successfully live with whatever mental health challenge they may be facing. 

We look forward to working with your family. If you consent to your son's participation, please sign the attached parental consent form and complete the included survey. Once the documents are returned, you will receive an introductory phone call with more details about the program, and this will be an opportunity to ask any questions or voice any concerns that you may have. It is important that you understand for the best results, this commitment is not only for your son, but for you and others in the household.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us: 704-325-6290or 

We look forward to meeting you soon! 


Rwenshaun Miller
